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Our Finance Services

Our independent examinations are carried out in full accordance with the Charity Commission's directions and guidance for examiners (CC32).

We also deliver expert led finance training, geared towards the needs of first time trustees or directors. Whether you are a new trustee with no prior financial management knowledge, or a new social enterprise director looking to get to grips with your finances – our training will equip you with the foundational knowledge needed to competently discharge your responsibilities. 


Charity accounting and independent examinations

An independent examination should not be viewed solely as a check-the-box compliance exercise, but rather as a mechanism for fostering accountability and transparency. This ultimately helps to improve trust and confidence in the charity sector.

Our independent examinations are carried out in full accordance with the Charity Commission's directions and guidance for examiners (CC32). 

For an integrated and  streamlined service, the independent examination may be carried out at the same time as your accounts preparation. We work closely with you to produce charity accounts that are transparent and fully compliant with the SORP and where applicable, company law.

Happy Portrait

Finance training (1.5 hours)

We pride ourselves in being able to break down complex accountancy regulations into simple accessible training material, and as such, our finance training is geared towards the specific needs of first time trustees and social enterprise directors. 

The training session will last approx 1.5hours and  it can be delivered online via Zoom or in person at your office. The key areas covered during the session include:

Charity finance option

  • Statutory SORP reporting

  • Budgets and management accounts

  • Internal controls and risk

  • Treasurers and sub committees

Social enterprise finance option

  • Statutory FRS 102  reporting

  • Management reporting

  • Internal controls and risk

  • Corporation tax requirements

As a registered social enterprise, we're participating in Social Enterprise UK's flagship campaign, 'Buy Social'.


Buying social is about using your money, as an individual or an organisation, to create a positive impact on the world we live in. When you buy from a social enterprise you are choosing to spend your money with a business that is giving something back, reinvesting their profits to address the most pressing issues, from homelessness and unemployment to ethical trade and climate change. 

Social Enterprise UK

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